Mother Maya coming to Australia
I am part of the team hosting Mother Maya here ….. I read her (Maya Tiwari) book “A Path of Practise” many years ago and it deeply inspired me – so Im excited to have this amazing Ayurvedic woman teacher coming here… Will post dates and more details soon
I Love Ayurveda
I came away from sharing Ayurveda, in the recent ‘Ayurvedic Head Massage Workshop,’ with an even deeper appreciation of how relevant and simple, and yet profound, this science really is. It was inspiring to hear feedback from the participants, and seeing the energetic change in people, after just one day of being immersed in Ayurveda, touched my heart.
Somehow it feels like the further I delve into Ayurveda, and the more places in my life where I use the principles with myself and my patients, the more I see its simplicity and practical common sense nature, despite its vast complexity. It’s as if, however we are introduced to the principles of Ayurveda; whether it be a workshop like this one, an Ayurvedic training for yoga teachers or a simple consultation, there are easy ways to bring the benefits into our lives with practical steps. These, often quickly, begin to re-balance our mind and bodies, bringing more harmony. It’s also empowering in that it doesn’t matter whether you have a lot of money or not, you can still bring more balance, and relieve symptoms you may have, by introducing lifestyle changes alone.
I love how, from the simple things like which spices to use in our food to the more complex things like which direction to massage a marma point, Ayurveda is like a journey. Wherever we are right now we start on the journey, and as we see and enjoy the benefits, we become further inspired to continue.
Shirobhyanga Ayurvedic Head Massage Workshop
Saturday 28th June 2008
9.30am to 4.30pm
Learn and receive the powerful healing technique of traditional Ayurvedic Head Massage in a beautiful setting near Mullumbimby NSW
Ayurveda recognizes the unique blend of the elements within each of us and thus helps us in bringing more balance. In this workshop you will be shown the basics of Ayurveda and how to incorporate them into your life.
The head has many marma’s, or vital energy centres, and is a map or energetic reflection of the entire body. Thus Ayurvedic Head Massage (or Shirobhyanga) promotes rejuvenation to the whole being. It helps relieve insomnia, headaches and stress related disorders while boosting the immune system. This massage blissfully relaxes and balances mind body and spirit.
$175 (including lunch). For concessions – talk to me!
* Ayurvedic lunch provided
* Detailed Handouts provided
Bookings : Ring me on 02 66843165
You can download a pdf of the poster below. Feel free to print it out and give it to anyone who may be interested.
Head Massage Poster
I also ran this workshop and an Introduction to Ayurveda in Adelaide on Monday 19th May at the Australasian Massage Therapists annual conference.
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